Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter


Der letzte Blog-Eintrag ist nun etwas länger her.

Derzeit werden alle Vorbereitungen für den Bau eines Heims als Kinderhort getroffen.

Ziel ist ein Ort, an dem Kinder nicht nur lernen sondern sich auch sicher fühlen können. Wo sie auch von einer Kinderpflegerin betreut und gefördert werden.

Neben üblichem Lernmaterial sollen den Kindern sogar Computer bereit gestellt werden.

Doch in wenigen Wochen werden wir detailliert darüber berichten.

KiberaAID wünscht nun frohe Ostern sowie eine erholsame und besinnliche Zeit.



It´s been a while since we posted an article on our blog.

Every member is busy with building our own day nursery.

We are aiming at a place which will serve perfect conditions for safety and learning. Also a fostress will take care of the children.

Despite common learning materials we are also offering computers.

In a few weeks we will inform about more details of this place.

KiberaAID wishes happy Easter and a wonderfull togetherness with your family.

Frohes neues Jahr / Happy new year


Die Weihnachtszeit ist vorbei und das Team von KiberaAID wünscht ein gutes und gesundes Jahr 2017. Auch bei KiberaAID wurde Neujahr gefeiert und ein Sylvester-Festessen organisiert. Es war für jeden genügend da und geschmeckt hat es sichtlich auch.

Was wir uns für dieses Jahr vorgenommen haben:

  • Eröffnung einer eigenen Bücherei
  • fortsetzen unserer Samstagstreffen „Kids-Club KiberaAID“
  • monatliche Verteilung von Schreibwaren, Reis, Zucker und Reinigungsmittel

In diesem Sinne blicken wir auf ein weiteres, spannendes Jahr. Mit vielen Hürden aber auch vielen Lichtblicken für die Kinder aus Kibera.

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The family of KiberaAID wishes a happy new year. Also at Kids-Club KiberaAID we celebrated new-year by organising a festive meal for the Kids. Everybody enjoyed it and had a good time.

Our aims for this year:

  • building an own place which will serve as a library, learning center and meeting place
  • continue with saturdays Kids-Club KiberaAID
  • monthly distributing of goods like stationeries, rice, sugar and soaps

This will be another challenging and exciting year. We are looking forward to it.

Frohe Weihnachten / Merry Christmas

Am 14.12. gab es eine Vorweihnachtsfeier bei KiberaAID. Bilder hierzu sind unten in der Galerie zu finden. Wie immer war die Begeisterung groß, und mit Vorfreuden blicken wir schon auf das nächste Treffen zur Neujahrsfeier.

KiberaAID wünscht allen erholsame und besinnliche Weihnachten!

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On 14th of December we conducted a pre-christmas-party. Check out the pictures above. The kids enjoyed this festive meeting and they are already looking forward to the new-year-party.

KiberaAID wishes merry christmas and a wonderful time together with your families.

Why we pray

Text & Picture by Brian Otieno (Chairman of KiberaAID)

All the good and godly people I’ve ever met, testify to the vital aspects of prayers in there lives. But let’s be honest, sometimes praying is hard and even confusing, it needs motivation, sure enough there’s a lot of it in the Bible.

So I began to study how and why Jesus prayed. After all, He got more answers than anyone else and He always prayed for the right reasons. First, because He prayed all the time. The Bible says that “He would often withdraw to the wilderness and pray.” He prayed just about every chance He got. He was perfect; so it wasn’t like He was praying for forgiveness of sin or anything like that.

Well, that’s the second reason I was amazed. The more I study, the more good motivating reasons I find to pray. I find they’re basically the ones Jesus Himself had.

I am first called to prayer because it is a key vehicle to building my love relationship with Jesus Christ. Christianity is not primarily rules. It is a relationship. Prayer is an important instrument in our overcoming sin and temptation.

We pray because prayer is crucial in determining God’s will and a major way we accomplish God’s work in the world.

Prayer itself is inherently valuable to God. In other words, whether we ever see any answers and whether we ever derive any personal benefit, God views prayer standing alone with an incomprehensible value.

Prayer is a major weapon in fighting the spiritual battle. When we pray, God intervene and the devil looses ground. It’s important to pray.




Derzeit arbeitet KiberaAID an dem Bau eines eigenen Gebäudes, welches als Bücherei, Rückzugsgelegenheit und Treffplatz für die Kinder dienen soll. Sorgfältige Planung und Geduld ist für dieses Projekt notwenig.

Trotzdem setzen wir nebenbei unsere KidsClub-Treffen fort. Aktuelle Bilder sind in der Galerie zu finden. Viel Spaß beim Betrachten.

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Currently KiberaAID is working on its next milestone: An own building which serves as a meeting place, library and place of felicity. This aim requires a lot of attention and patience. However we are still conducting KidsClub-meetings. You can see the latest pictures in our gallery. Enjoy!

Street foods in Kibera

Text & Pictures by Brian Otieno, Chairman of KiberaAID

Street foods are a commonplace here in Kibera. They range from a variety such as roasted maize, smokies, bhajias, chips, mandazi, chapatis, samosas, et al being sold in open air or displayed in transparent glass containers. The list is surely endless. Street foods are easily available and one can find them right outside their doorstep. There prices are totally different depending on what you want, but one thing stands out, they are very much affordable. The one thing negative about street food is that they can make you sick if you are not very careful. This is especially for those that requires to be cooked then displayed on carts for customers to see and come buy. For instance in such a case then one should always buy from a vendor with so many customers because people believe they have the best service and that their food is the best. But one thing remains clear, street foods are always yummy and super delicious.

Picture: Fish being dried on a wire mesh before being deep fried onto a waiting hot fire. Photo/Bryan Jaybee.

Bokeh +Lilian +Fish 2016-03-05 209

Besuch in Kibera / Visiting Kibera


Anfang Juli war es wieder soweit: wir (Elena und Tobias) besuchten Kibera. Viel hatten wir uns vorgenommen und natürlich auch umgesetzt:

  • Familien der Kinder treffen


  • Verteilung von Waren aus Deutschland sowie großes Festessen


  • Kauf von Schreibmaterialien


Es war großartig zu sehen, wie zahlreich die Kinder mittlerweile an unseren KidsClub-Treffen teilnehmen. Wie immer wurde viel gelacht, gesungen und gelehrt. Danke auch an unseren Freunden aus Kibera, die aus jedem Samstags-Treffen etwas ganz Besonderes machen.

Viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Bilder.



At the beginning of July we (Elena and Tobias) visited Kibera. There were lot of things to manage, like:

  • meeting Parents of the Kids
  • organising a festive meal for the Children
  • distributing goods from Germany
  • buying stationeries for the Kids

It was great to see how many Children are joining KidsClub. The Kids had fun, they sang they laughed and were tought many things like how to prepare for exams. Many thanks to our friends from Kibera, who are really doing a great job during every KidsClub-meeting.

Enjoy the pictures.

The fittest survive

Foto by Brian Otieno

Text by Victor Oduor

Generally this is the norm of the day. During the rainy seasons life is not that easy around kibera. Houses get swept away,poor drainage causes the effluent to move everywhere making the place smelly ,there’s mud everywhere and its your skill that keeps you moving . Despite all this disadvantages there’s also a blessing In disguise to the children. Kibera is a densely populated area and this means there’s alot of movement,people doing business,walking for pleasure and visiting each other .During all this activities, people loose coins to the open drainages. During the rains the streamlines get filled with water collecting all the wastes to the main drainage, this movement carries with it everything and that’s why after the rains you’ll find most of the children  wadding inside this dirty waters looking for coins. They always take it as a blessing because they can get money to buy food and their toys. This has endangered most of the children in terms of health since they are at high risk of contacting waterborne diseases or even getting pierced with the sharp objects being thrown daily inside this streamlines,not that this dangers are not there,it has become a stage all children go through just to survive in the slums,those who are lucky move on and those who are not, always remain in that stage untill late, with the zeal to get money most of the children drop out of school even after joining because they don’t give attention to their education, this is because the families are not able to support the children financially to learn comfortably,this are the children who once they turn into teenagers they also turn into gangsters because they realize late that they need education to succeed. With the life of a gangster most of them don’t celebrate their twenty fifth birthdays unless they change and find  jobs even if it pays peanuts. The circle is ingrained amongst the children in kibera and the best solution to this problem is to provide education and introduce activities which keep the children busy and also exposing the children to a bigger world outside cause most if not all doesn’t know much about life outside kibera



Bilder aus dem KidsClub-Treffen / Pictures of our KidsClub-meeting


Wie gewöhnlich finden die KidsClub-Treffen statt. Wir verteilten Getränke, Kekse und Bücher an die Kinder. Außerdem lehrten Brian Otieno, Luke Kagose und Kelvin Jumah beim vorherigen Treffen den Kindern wertvolles Grundwissen für ein gesellschaftsfähiges Miteinander. Wie immer wurden viele Spiele organisiert, welche den Kindern eine Menge Freude bereiteten. Viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Bilder.

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Is usual KiberaAID is still conducting meetings with the kids called KidsClub KiberaAID. We distributed drinks, cakes and books. During the latest meeting Brian Otieno, Luke Kagose and Kelvin Jumah teached them about basic knowledge. They also did some really funny games which the kids really love.

Enjoy the Pictures.

Rückblick unserer Osterfeier / Review of our happy-Easter celebration


In Kibera hatten wir am Samstag den 26.3.2016 während unseres KidsClub ein festliches Osteressen. Es wurde wie immer viel gelacht, viel gegessen und viel gefeiert. Somit wurden die Ostertage auch eine wunderbare Zeit für die Kinder aus Kibera. Viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Galerie.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=“3″ gal_title=“Happy Easter 2016″]


In Kibera on 26th of march we had again a saturday meeting at KidsClub KiberaAID, which included a festive happy-Easter-meal. We laughed, ate and celebrated a lot. Thus happy-Easter was a wonderful time for the kids from Kibera. Enjoy the gallery.