Archiv für den Monat: April 2015

Vortrag über KiberaAID / Lecture about KiberaAID


Am 16. April organisierten Elena und Tobias einen Vortrag in Karlshuld. Mit ihren Bildern haben sie die Aufmerksamkeit genau dort hin gelenkt, wo sie seit Jahrzehnten zu kurz kam: Kibera! Neugierig aber auch schockiert zeigte sich das Publikum über Kibera, dem größten Slum Afrikas. Wir danken all die großzügigen Spender. Sie tragen wesentlich dazu bei, unseren nächsten Meilenstein zu erreichen: ein eigenes Haus für KiberaAID.



On 16th of April Elena and Tobias organised a lecture in Karlshuld. In the last few centuries, hardly anybody took note of a place called Kibera. But on this evening, everybody of the audience experienced what it is like to live in Kibera, the biggest slum of Africa. We want to give thanks to all the generous donors. They all contribute to our next milestone: an own house for KiberaAID, where children can read, play and have fun!



Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter


Wir von KiberaAID wünschen allen ein frohes Osterfest und erholsame Feiertage. In diesem Blog findet ihr außerdem einen Artikel von Brian.



The family of KiberaAID wish everybody happy eastern and a blessing time. In this blog you can read an article written by Brian Otieno. We thank Camilo Analo for her great support to KiberaAID

„Two weeks ago we received a huge collections of clothes, shoes, text books and bags from our very good friend Camila Analo. The donations were later on distributed to KiberaAID KidsClub on the 28th of March. Over 40 kids received clothes and about 6 were given shoes which were limited. The day was a great success and we look forward to more of such days in the future. Our next meeting will be on the 11th March, 2015 and we are pleased to announce that anyone who is interested to join us with atleast something on their hands is very much welcomed.

The following is a list of what we really need the most so as to continue with our noble cause for helping the kids and families in Kibera:
?Stationery such as books, pencils, pens, colors, drawing materials, etc.
?Clothes, shoes, schoolbags, etc
?Food items such as rice, beans, sugar, maize meal, etc.

If we manage to get a stable supply of all these then our aims and objectives will be on the right track. We are here to do our very best and to make a difference in this changing world. If we team up then the dream of KiberaAID will be a living reality.

So far we have supported over 70 kids in Kibera since June, 2014 and we are not stop anytime soon. If were all can embrace the spirit of philanthropist like that of Miss Camila Analo then we would be living in a constant better world. So far KiberaAID is running on private and donated money from our friends in Germany – Tobias and Elena. They are students and not employed or working.

Bryan’s Note: KidsClub is the name of our Saturday programs which is usually held twice every month on Saturdays, with KidsClub we are destined to teach the Kids of Kibera basic and general knowledge. Things that possibly they are not taught in school. KidsClub has been a great success and we get to see new faces every time we are having a meeting. More kids are joining us and we cannot chase them but would rather use our little available resources to achieve our objectives. In KidClub we also nurture talents and skills. Our kids are highly talented. We have great artists, dancers, poets, singers, actors and many others in KidsClub, and we want to see them make a life out of what they do very best. Support us. „