Archiv für den Monat: Juli 2017

Der Bauprozess startet / Start of the building process

Nun ist es so weit: nach langer Planung und Vorbereitung beginnt der Bau eines eigenen Treffpunkts für KiberaAID.

Jahrelang hat sich KiberaAID alle ein bis zwei Wochen mit den Kindern getroffen um Spaß zu haben, Grundwissen zu vermitteln und das Gefühl eines Miteinanders zu fördern.

Treffpunkt war ein Gebäude, welches unter der Woche als Schule und Sonntags als Kirche diente. Samstags war die Halle also frei, sodass wir hier unsere Treffen -auch genannt KidsClub KiberaAID- umsetzen konnten. Seit Beginn der Baumaßnahmen an der angrenzenden Eisenbahnlinie steht uns dieser Ort nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Bald war klar: ein neuer Platz muss her. Ein eigener Platz. Dank der vielen Spenden ein machbares Ziel, welches nun in den kommenden Wochen Wirklichkeit wird. Der Platz soll nicht nur Treffpunkt sein, sondern auch als Bücherei und Lern-Oase dienen. Hierzu wird das Häuschen Schritt für Schritt eingerichtet.

Die Bilder dokumentieren den derzeitigen Bauablauf.

Auch unser Team-Mitglied Victor Oduor meldet sich zu Wort:

We usually say a picture is worth a thousand words. Through the lens of a Nikon camera, kiberaAid was born, an organisation which was registered three years ago and is finally in the process of having its own office, the saying has turned to be true according to my experience. A dream that started as a suggestion amongst my peers turned to be true one week ago when we started building the kiberaAid office. Having grown in kibera we knew every single challenge a normal child goes through in everyday life inside the slum, the challenges helped us come up with the idea to help children who were growing up like us. We had the heart but we could not do much financially. Tobias Rossmann after seeing the photos of kibera through social media approached one of us (Brian Otieno) who is the chairman of our organisation and also a photojournalist based in kibera if he could collaborate with him and form an organisation. Having the same idea we shared the news and we were ready to team up with him. Since day one, each of us has worked so hard towards our goal as an organisation, we’ve held several meetings with the children and did alot of activities without having our own place. The time we’ve been all waiting for has come, still we had alot of activities which we could not do without having an office because we had to keep records and store our equipment. This will come into reality in a weeks time when the building process will be complete. As a team we are very grateful for everyone who made this dream possible. Once the building process is through, we want to nurture the talents of these small kids  support their education in every way possible. To make all this possible the hall will act as a library and during the weekends it will be a meeting place for us with the kids. Thank for everyone for their continued support.

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