Vortrag über KiberaAID / Lecture about KiberaAID

Am Donnerstag den 3.12. findet im Festsaal des Rathauses Pfaffenhofen ein Vortrag über Kibera statt. Um 19 Uhr geht es los, und dauert ca. 80-90 Minuten. Eintritt ist wie immer kostenlos, Spenden sind erwünscht. Der Vortrag erzählt über das Leben im Slum sowie über die Hilfsorganisation KiberaAID, welche die Lebensumstände im Slum verbessert. Ergänzend gibt es zur Entspannung eine kleine Bildserie über Kenias Natur. Jeder ist ganz herzlich eingeladen!

Our lecture about KiberaAID will take place on third of december at 7pm in Pfaffenhofen.

Without Proper Parenting ? We Are Doomed!

Text: Victor Oduor, Organizations Coordinator

Picture: Brian Otieno, Chairman


Kibera slum is home to a bustling population of over 500,000 people. The rate of birth is high amongst the teenagers as a result of unprotected intercourse and part of it is to be blamed on the congestion.

Proper parenting has also emerged to be a challenge since most of the children are not raised by their real parents, this is because a big number of the children were either left by their biological parents while still young due to death or were abandoned most probably at birth. Most of the children who were left by their biological parents while still young live with their relatives or you?ll find some living in the children’s home which have sprung up around the slum, and the relatives look after the children in the hope that maybe one day they’ll grow big and make it out of the slum, though most of the relatives are not financially stable .This has led to the increased number of children in the slum who just live to see another day with no hope of getting a better education in future. Most attend informal schools which are only meant to give them the basic knowledge of life since there is no guidance among the adults and if you?re lucky enough, you can attend a public school in hopes of getting a well-wisher who?ll push you through high school ? and that is not always easy.


On the other hand there is a big number of children who are abandoned immediately after birth, teenage pregnancy is a commonplace here, most of the girls give birth with no source of support because fathers who are also teenagers deny responsibility in the early stages even before the baby is conceived, such behaviors are not even strange among the residence because it happens every now and then. Some girls give birth and leave the child with their grandmothers in the name of going to hustle for the baby, this has also increased the number of prostitution around since there is no accessible job without education. Most of the girls, if not all were raised in the same manner and it?s a matter replicating itself every now and then.

The boys themselves turn into criminals and hardknock thugs – having no otherwise cause the few available job opportunities are only for the learned. Kibera is a free place where you choose what you want to become, there’s no mentorship, and there are no role models. For long this has been the root cause of all problems in the slum.

Parents only struggle to put food on the table but ignore the important aspect of parenting. Most of the children will play on the muddy waters till late in the evening only going back to eat and sleep and wake up the following morning to repeat the same. This has made the children to grow up without vision and discipline because parents and guardians never took time to talk to them keenly on the important subjects about life. It has always been my wish if all the children in Kibera can access education to change their mindset because only a few are able to make it through that chain leaving many behind. It’s a depressing truth but this is a vicious cycle that can only be finished if proper education is instilled in between because until then the situation will continue to worsen.

Müll / Rubbish



Als ich das erste mal durch Kibera ging, fiel mir diese riesige Menge an Abfall auf. Ich konnte mir nicht vorstellen in so einer Umgebung zu leben, doch tatsächlich (über-)leben hier viele tausende Menschen seit Jahrzehnten. Möglicherweise haben sie sich an den scheußlichen Anblick gewöhnt, doch eines wird für sie immer eine Plage bleiben: tödliche Infektionskrankheiten wie Typhus und Cholera. Um derartige Krankheiten zu vermeiden, lehren wir den Kindern aus Kids-Club KiberaAID vieles über Hygiene.

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When I was walking through Kibera for the first time, I saw these huge amount of rubbish. I couldn´t believe to live in such an environment, but this area is home to many people living there for decades. Maybe they are used to the common sight of these garbage, but there is one thing they will never get used to; deadly communicable diseases like cholera and typhoid. In order to avoid these illnesses KiberaAID is aiming at enlightening the children of our KidsClub in terms of hygienic aspects.

Norm of the day

Text: Victor Oduor (Organizations Coordinator of KiberaAID)

Photo: Brian Otieno (Chairman of KiberaAID)

Having grown up in Kibera we’ve been through all but I still hold my head up still chasing my dream. What hurts most is the fact that we never learn. I started seeing young boys being beaten to death by mob justice when I was only eleven. Then, we were just kids playing together with no solid idea of what really was happening. We would corp with the scenes which we always saw during the mob justice and one thing we learnt is that it was not a good scene to be involved and I thought that could be enough to learn from. Life continues and suddenly people changed, the way we used to play football together ceased and we started focusing on our future. Few made it but most gave up very early leading to insecurity in a place we’ve always called home. Young boys are being killed everyday and we never learn the lessons still. What I’ve seen over the time has not pleased me and I’m saddened because we don’t want to change, the only thing we can do is write RIP when we’ve lost someone who could have been a productive citizen. I’m always wondering when are these youths going to learn and suddenly change. Organizations are everywhere in Kibera with aims of engaging youths in their noble cause activities but none would buy that. Talented youths are involving themselves in criminal activities because of failure of some of these organizations to deliver their promises. The unemployment is real and the population pressure is real and I’m wondering how long are we going to continue losing this gifted souls? It’s high time the youths start changing their mindset and stop seeing death as swag . It has become very serious when we lose over three boys in a week and all are below twenty years and the cause is always one – gunshots or mob justice. Is there a better way we can contain this incidences? The government has brought a lot of programs going on and I think we should involve ourselves more into this projects because going by this estimation we only need less than ten years and my age mates will no longer be here. It’s high time we start being good friends who tell the truth to their friends , there’s no need of keeping bad company just because you want to prove yourself superior than the other. If we continue involving ourselves into this criminal acts then there’s no future ahead. Let’s not rely on football alone for prosperity – we should involve ourselves in income generating activities, let’s stop using this shortcuts which are only leading us to the graveyard. Sweat is sweet, but someone else’s sweat is bitter.

Photo: The Kenya – Uganda railway, a route so synonymous with idle youths – always sitting by the railside brazenly waiting for the target to mug. Photo|Bryan Jaybee, KiberaStories

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Sukuma Wiki


Sukuma Wiki ist eine äußerst bedeutsame Pflanze in Kenia, vor allem in Kibera. Es dient als schmackhafte Beilage für Ugali, Fleisch oder Fisch. Daneben ist es auch noch gesund und eines der günstigsten Nahrungsmittel im Slum. Die wenigen Einwohner Kiberas die dafür Platz haben, pflanzen dieses Gewächs, welches meist spinatähnlich zubereitet wird, auf ihren Wohnplatz an.

(für größere Ansicht einfach auf das Bild klicken)

Sukuma Wiki Dog


Sukuma Wiki is a very important plant in Kenia, especially in Kibera. The plant is a delicious garnish with Ugali, meet or fish. It is also very healthy and one of the cheapest food in the slum. Only a few habitants of Kibera are able to plant some Sukuma Wiki on their dwelling place. It tastes a bit like spinach, and it looks beautiful on the plate.

(click the Picture for a larger view)

Unser Aufenthalt in Kibera / Our stay in Kibera 2015

Die zwei Wochen unseres Aufenthalts in Kibera sind rum, und extrem schnell vergangen. Viel haben wir geschafft:

  • Großes Kochen für all die Kinder unserer Gruppe


  • Gespräche mit bekannten Einwohnern Kiberas, u.a. mit der Hebamme Namens Julia (Bild)


  • Treffen mit den Familien


  • Verteilung von gespendeten Kleider und Spielwaren


  • Investition von Spendengeldern in Lehr- und Sachbüchern sowie Geschichtsbücher und Schreibwaren


Ohne Mithilfe unserer Freunde vor Ort, Luke, Victor, Kelvin, Brian und Elvis, wäre nichts davon möglich gewesen. Danke an euch für eure fleißige Mithilfe.


Our stay in Kibera is over, and time was running so fast. We achieved a lot during these two weeks:

  • Organising a big cooking for the kids of our group
  • Meeting famous people in Kibera
  • Meeting with the family of the kids we are supporting
  • Distribution of donated clothes and toys
  • Used donated money for buying many books and stationeries

Without Luke, Victor, Kelvin, Brian and Elvis, nothing of that would be possible. They helped us so much. Thanks for everything guys. Keep on doing such a great job!

Kids-Club KiberaAID


Erneut zeigen wir euch, was sich bei KiberaAID so tut. Die wöchentlichen Treffen werden fleißig besucht, und der Aufenthalt von Elena und Tobias in Kibera wird intensiv geplant. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen der Bilder, welche von Brian Otieno aufgenommen wurden.



On the following pictures you can see, what is going on at Kids-Club KiberaAID. At the same time, Elena and Tobi are preparing for their stay at Kibera. Enjoy the pictures, which were taken by Brian Otieno, the chairman of KiberAID.

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Eine kurze Lebenszeit / A short length of lifetime

Eine kurze Lebenszeit

Besucht man den Friedhof in Langata, wird man eine traurige Erfahrung machen. In der Nähe des Eingangs sind Gräber wohlhabender Bürger, welche mit massiven Grabsteinen dekoriert sind. Betritt man das Ende des Friedhofes, werden die Zustände der Gräber schlechter und schlechter. Anstatt Grabsteine sind nur hölzerne Kreuze zu sehen. Manche Gräber haben nicht einmal ein Kreuz. Es sind einfach nur Löcher im Boden. Manche Leichen wurden sogar einfach ins Gebüsch geschmissen. Manchmal streunen Tiere herum, welche die Gräber ausgraben um den Leichnam als Nahrung zu verzehren. Der Bodengrund ist übersät mit Knochenreste und Erinnerungsstücken der Verstorbenen. Das schlimmste ist jedoch, wenn man die Gräber der verstorbenen Kinder betrachtet. Es sind Neugeborene aus Kibera. Anhand dieser Kreuze wird man feststellen, daß diese Kinder nur wenige Wochen, teils nur wenige Tage am Leben waren. Die im Slum vorherrschenden Infektionskrankheiten setzen dem meist schwachen und teils unterernährten Körper des Kindes so zu, dass nicht selten im Anschluss der Tot eintritt.



Visiting the cemetery in langata is a sad experience. You pass the entrance and see massive tombstones, which are for affluent inhabitants of the city centre. If you go to the end of the cemetery the graves becomes more and more bad. At the end of the cemetery there is not at least one tombstone but Christian crosses are standing on most graves. Some graves even do not have a cross, they are just holes in the ground. Sometimes the body is just thrown into the bush. Sometimes animals are graving on a grave in order to eat the body. The ground is cluttered with bones and remembrance of death persons. The worst things are the graves of the babies. They were all born and died in Kibera. If you look at the wooden Christian cross, you will realise that the length of lifetime of the babies was quite short, like 1 month or sometimes only 1 day. Contagious diseases, and a lack of nourishments are often a problem for newborns. Their body is weak, and sometimes they die. Sad reality.


Vortrag in Pobenhausen / Lecture in Pobenhausen


Letzten Dienstag hielten wir einen weiteren Vortrag über KiberaAID. Diesmal besuchten unseren Vortrag Bürger aus Pobenhausen und Karlskron. Die Bürger zeigten sich auch diesmal interessiert, aber auch schockiert über Kiberas harten Lebensbedingungen. Hauptrollen in diesem Vortrag hatten wie immer Brian, Kelvin, Elvis, Victor, Valentine und Luke. Wieder danken wir für die vielen Spenden, sie alle helfen uns ganz enorm mit unserem Vorhaben, bessere Lebensbedingungen in Kibera zu schaffen. Die Bürger von Pobenhausen und Karlskron scheinen nicht nur aus einer schönen Gegend zu kommen, sondern auch besonders großzügig und mitfühlend zu sein.



Last Tuesday we organised our second lecture about KiberaAID. This time people from Pobenhausen and Karlskron visited our lecture. They were very interested and shocked about the living conditions in Kibera. Again Brian, Luke, Kelvin, Elvis, Victor and Valentine played the primary part. We are so thankful for all the donations, they will contribute to achieving one of our main goal: improving the living conditions in Kibera. It seems that people from Pobenhausen and Karlskron do feel lot of sympathy.

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